1 old factory. 7 days. 13 performers. Hundreds of stories. One of them, yours…
In August 2012, a group of dancers, musicians, builders and artists arrived in the small hamlet of Upper Jay, NY, where they took up residency for one week in a historic Model-T assembly factory on the shores of the Ausable River. The factory, now a community arts center, Upper Jay Art Center, and upholstery shop, was thusly reinvented, using the stories and creative input gathered from those who helped to fund this project.
Directors / Film Editors: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-Train
Artists: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-Train, Justin Allen, Philippe Bronchtein, Josh Dunn, Eric Forman, Lea Fulton, John Hoobyar, Branic Howard, Emma Judkins, Ben Luzzatto, Sophie Maguire, John Mosloskie, Jenna Riegel, Christina Robson, Hanna Satterlee, Rich Vaudrey, Katie Wilson, Emma Wiseman
Music Production: John Mosloskie
Cinematography: Michael Maguire, Scott Renderer, Rich Vaudrey