“They Say a Lady Was the Cause of It” is an evening-length dance production ERGO/Movement, that embodies a contemporary exploration of agency, identity, and relationships. Inspired, in part, by Orlando, by Virginia Woolf, and Undine Geht by Ingeborg Bachmann, this work examines the complexities of gender roles imposed by society, as well as the fight to reclaim individual narratives and rewrite what society has prescribed. The eleven dancers performing in this work contribute their own narratives and voices to this important conversation. Performed in Burlington, VT, February, 2020. Articles appeared in Seven Days and Indiegogo.
Choreography: Jessie Owens
Dance performers: Jessie Owens, Emer Pond Feeney, Holly Chagnon, Toby MacNutt, Danielle Tekut, Hanna Satterlee, Nicole Dagesse, Joy Madden, Beth Morelli, Kim Beinin, Brooke Moen
Collage by: Vanessa Compton
Composer: Matt LaRocca
Live music: Matt LaRocca, Kyle Saunier, Polly Vanderputten, Britta Fenniman Tonn, Roxanne Vought, Allison & Cameron Steinmetz
Photos: Michael Heeney