By ANIMAL Dance, directed by Hanna Satterlee.
Full Length Premiere
Saturday, January 4th and Sunday, January 5th, 2025
At the Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center‘s Black Box Theater in Burlington VT.
With performers Marisa Hall, Caitlin Morgan, Grace Palmer and Hanna Satterlee
Launching the 2025 INSTINCT Experimental Dance Festival.
Additional Performance
Friday, January 24th, 2025
At the McCarthy Arts Center Theater at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester VT
Please contact to schedule a tour: [email protected]
Video: compiled by Kat Coyne, ANIMAL Dance UVM Intern, Spring 2024- during the initial process phase. This piece was originally titled “In The Rubble,” but was changed to “Whelm.”
Video: First Excerpt of “Whelm” Premiere Saturday, June 29th at 7:00 pm, 2024, at the Barre Opera House in Barre, VT as part of the Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio 50th Anniversary Gala.
First excerpt created with dancers: Marisa Hall, Maia Sauer, Nicole Dagesse.
Photos: by Andreas John for ANIMAL Dance