Fire & Ash is a film that follows the true story of Vermont beatmaster and hip hop artist JL (Johnny Morris) as he grapples with a terminal brain cancer diagnosis. Faced with death and the inevitable dissolution of his physical body, JL embarks on a journey of creation and transformation.
In January of 2021, collaborating artists Hanna Satterlee and Andreas John set out to create a short film exploring impermanence, transformation, and letting go. They reached out to JL (Johnny Morris) about composing work for the soundtrack and playing a central role in the film. Johnny had just learned that his original cancer diagnosis from 2018 was wrong. He actually had an incredibly rare and terminal form of brain cancer. This story was captured in March of 2021. JL quickly became too sick to collaborate on the soundtrack, focusing his remaining energy on his family. Despite seizures and a failing brain, he continued to quietly compose…
Film by Andreas John
Featuring: JL (Johnny Morris)
Music: JL, Sed One, Rico James, Question the MC
Soundscore: Andreas John
Choreography: Hanna Satterlee
Ceremonial artist: Jan Sandman
Dance: Hanna Satterlee, Nicole Dagesse, Jessie Owens