Sentient Salon
Hanna Satterlee Productions Presents:
Sentient Salon
An evening of poetry, voice, movement and feeling in South Burlington, VT.
Featuring work by: Denise Casey, Liesje Smith and Emma Manion.
Producer: Hanna Satterlee Productions

The River Game
Storyteller, Performing Artist: Denise Casey
Part song, part story, part invitation, The River Game, like Alice in Wonderland, pulls on the threads of a common mental health diagnosis and follows them down into the rivers of the body, out into the dream world, the ancestral world and then back again with new eyes, new language and a wider imagination for what's possible in this life. The River Game is an excerpt from a larger piece that is a work-in-progress. TW: themes of eating disorder and suicide
What happens when we let our lives be bigger than our bodies, than this moment, than this life?
Denise Casey is a poet, songwriter and performer. As a Voice Movement Therapy practitioner, she invites people to listen deeply to their bodies and create with compassion and playful curiosity. She's written and performed two original plays, Got This Voice and Born of Belly. She sees VMT clients in Burlington, Montpelier and zoom and is working on her next project.
May I Offer You Something?
Choreographer, performer, writer: Liesje Smith
Performer: Hanna Satterlee
Sound Credits: Spoken word written and read by Liesje Smith and mixed by Garrett Heaney. Dawn at Reshikesh by Sound Collective. Active Fault Map by Andi Otto and F.S. Blumm. Esoteric by Lucrecia Dalt.
In making this piece, I returned repeatedly to chosen elements from personal draws to observe the phenomenon of social identity, or positioning, within the consistent field of recognized ancestral and collective presence. By observing recognized patterns develop into workable structures, we found handholds and a form emerged within which we draw from for the purpose of viewing.
What happens to you when you encounter images that evoke your sensory perceptions and feelings rather than articulate words for making meaning?
Liesje Smith has been studying body movement, expression and freedom since she was four when her longing to dance was met. In time, she came to notice her physiology was self-changeable, motivating and empowering. Liesje has a degree in dance from the Naropa University, is a Somatic Movement Therapist and an Advanced Rolfer of Structural Integration. She has a somatic bodywork and movement education practice in South Burlington. Special thanks to all the beautiful music, the selected musicians above; Susan Sgorbatie for her chap book, Emergent Improvisation; Garrett Heaney and most importantly, to Hanna Satterlee.
Touch my Mantra
Choreographed and Performed by: Emma Manion
Music: Ovnimoon, Mariah Carey, Cyril Hahn. Remixed by Emma Manion.
In the pursuit of ever-attuning to the body’s wisdom, I’ve tasked myself with intuiting singular & arrhythmic gestures to a string of affirmations. A partially improvised/vulnerable exploration in self gratification and somatic resonance seals it with a kiss.
How might one embody the intellect they seek?
Emma Manion, a native Vermonter, is a Dance artist & educator who spent a decade in San Francisco, after graduating from Bennington College, creating, teaching, collaborating and studying movement as a way of joy, connection, statement, healing and performance. She returned to the green mountains in '18 to continue her work both individually and in community as an advocate, instructor and visionary for Dance and the Arts at large as a way to rise up in every way one can imagine.. and beyond.